
Huaxing Capital Stock Price and Company Profile

The current stock price of Huaxing Capital Holdings (01911) and its real-time market data, including the five-level market, trade details, etc., can be obtained. In addition, information, company announcements, research reports, industry reports, F10 data, industry information, fund flow analysis, stage gains, and sector information of Huaxing Capital Holdings (01911) are available as well.

1. Huaxing Capital Holdings Announces Investigation on Bao Fan

On February 26th, Huaxing Capital Holdings announced that it has been trying to contact Bao Fan and has learned that Bao Fan is currently cooperating with the relevant authorities' investigation. The company emphasized that its business and operations are currently normal.

2. Stock Price and Financial Analysis of Huaxing Capital Holdings

Find real-time stock price information, news, financial reports, research reports, and financial indicator analysis related to Huaxing Capital Holdings (01911) on the Sina Finance Hong Kong Stock Channel. The article also provides an analysis of the company's financial data, major shareholders, and industry comparisons.

3. Huaxing Capital Holdings' Market Value

Based on the trading volume and trading amount of Huaxing Capital Holdings (01911), the current market value of the company can be calculated. The article also includes a summary of the core financial analysis, business outlook, share capital structure, major shareholders, and industry comparisons.

4. Investor Behavior and Financial Information of Huaxing Capital Holdings

Get real-time market data of Huaxing Capital Holdings (01911), access to basic information, major news, research reports, and industry information. Additionally, understand the capital flow of Huaxing Capital Holdings (01911) and analyze the company's financial data.

5. Impact of Bao Fan's Disappearance on Huaxing Capital Stock Price

Due to the founder Bao Fan's disappearance, the stock price of Huaxing Capital Holdings plummeted by 28.2% on the 17th day, with a total market value of approximately 4.08 billion Hong Kong dollars. This article analyzes the market situation and impact of Bao Fan's disappearance on the stock price.

6. Initial Investment and Funding Raised by Huaxing Capital

According to the prospectus, the initial purchase price for investors was $2 per share. Calculations show that Huaxing Capital raised approximately 200 million USD, equivalent to nearly 150 million RMB, in the first round of financing.

7. Industry Classification and Financial Information of Huaxing Capital Holdings

Huaxing Capital Holdings is classified under the "Other Financial" industry. The total share capital is 550,404.8 million shares, all listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Each lot consists of 100 shares. The company's P/E ratio is 2.49 and the 30-day average price is 10.149 yuan. The official website of the company is www.huaxing.com.


By analyzing the various aspects of Huaxing Capital Holdings, including its stock price, financial performance, market value, and the impact of Bao Fan's disappearance, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of this company's current situation and its influence on the market.