

1. stand a chance

Stand a chance中的stand指的是“站立”,chance指的是“机会”。那么stand a chance的意思就是“有机会”、“有可能”。例如:


1. With their advanced technology, they stand a chance of winning the competition.(凭借先进的技术,他们有机会赢得比赛。)

2. If you study hard, you stand a chance of getting a scholarship.(如果你努力学习,你有可能获得奖学金。)

3. She doesn't stand a chance of passing the exam without studying.(她如果不学习,就没有通过考试的机会。)

2. stand up

Stand up中的stand指的是“站立”,up是一个副词,意思是“向上”。那么stand up可以表示“站起来”、“竖立起来”的意思。例如:


1. Please stand up and introduce yourself.(请站起来并介绍你自己。)

2. The audience stood up and applauded.(观众站了起来鼓掌。)

3. The teacher asked the students to stand up for the national anthem.(老师让学生们起立奏国歌。)

3. stand by

Stand by的意思是“袖手旁观”、“支持”。例如:


1. I will stand by you no matter what happens.(无论发生什么事,我都会支持你。)

2. The company stood by their decision and refused to back down.(公司坚持他们的决定,拒绝退缩。)

3. In times of crisis, it's important to stand by your friends and family.(在危机时刻,支持你的朋友和家人很重要。)

4. stand for

Stand for可以表示“代表”、“支持”、“容忍”。例如:


1. USA stands for the United States of America.(USA代表美利坚合众国。)

2. I cannot stand for such disrespectful behavior.(我不能容忍这种不尊重的行为。)

3. The organization stands for equal rights for all individuals.(该组织支持所有人的平等权利。)

5. stand out

Stand out的意思是“显眼”、“突出”、“出色”。例如:


1. Her artistic talent really stands out among the other students.(她的艺术天赋在其他学生中非常突出。)

2. The bright colors make the painting stand out.(鲜艳的颜色让这幅画显眼。)

3. The candidate's interview performance stood out among the other applicants.(这个候选人在其他申请人中的面试表现引人注目。)
